Gröt – Äpple & Kanel 500g

225 kr

3 i lager

Gröt – Äpple & Kanel 500g

225 kr

Porridge. We love it (when it’s done right). Get your natural sugar fix from our porridge blend with apple, sultanas and cinnamon. Just the right amount of everything to satisfy any sweet tooth while giving you enough energy for the day. A balanced breakfast that demands, in the most relaxed way, you spend a little more time on it. Because, why not?

HAVREGRYN, russin (russin, solrosolja), äpple 7 % (äpple, rismjöl), kanel 3 %.
Kan innehålla spår av NÖTTER och SESAMFRÖN.

Energi 1474 kJ / 352 kcal
Fett 5,1 g
– varav mättat fett 0,9 g
Kolhydrater 60,3 g
– varav sockerarter 16,9 g
Fiber 9 g
Protein 10,3 g
Salt mindre än 0,1 g

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